The Best Video Recording Routine

Yesterday I got a videographer friend over to my place to help record some videos.

Recording session took a total of 6 hours.

We filmed:

  • A-roll and B-roll for 1 hour long course

  • A-roll and B-roll for my next video (15min length)

  • 10 minute VSL

  • Voiceover for a documentary

Previously, I’d write a script, edit it, procrastinate recording for 3 days, and then get in front of camera to record it.

Not only did my 3 days of procrastination screw with my upload schedule, but those 3 days would be the most miserable days of the week.

The thought of having to film my next video would linger at the back of mind, which occupied even more mental bandwidth, stopping me from getting other work done.

Looking back, if I were to sum up why filming a video (even with a fully written script) was so difficult came down to 2 reasons:

  1. It took forever to setup the camera equipment

Making sure that the camera wasn't tilted, the lighting reflected well off my face, and my background wasn’t cluttered ended up taking 30+ mins every time I wanted to get a video done.

I couldn’t mentally get over this barrier, and made it really difficult to get any video recording done.

  1. I didn’t have a teleprompter

A week ago, I caved in and bought this bad boy:

Best impulse purchase of my life.

Instantly cut my recording time by 50%, highly recommend.

Yesterday’s recording session would’ve been 12 hours if I didn’t get it.

My new recording routine:

I’m no longer scripting, editing and recording on anytime of the day.

To force myself to actually record, I’ll be scripting videos in batches to get a videographer to my studio once a week to force me to record.

If not enough scripts are prepared, I personally eat the costs, so I’m forced to get enough videos ready every week so I can keep a consistent upload schedule.

Will report back on whether this works.

Hope this helps.


P.S. I’m going to do a video where I review scripts live.

Do you have a script that you want me to go over and give comments? Could be a video you’ve already posted, or something that’s in the works.

Happy to give feedback :)