The Fastest Way To Ruin Your YouTube Channel

And the fastest way to grow it

“I want a title now”

“Can you put together a script for me to record tomorrow”

“Can you make a thumbnail in the next 4 hours I have to post”

Everyone has received a ridiculous request before.

Whether it be a short deadline or an unreasonable number of revisions for a task they were paid pennies for.

Which is totally fine.

I’m cool with whipping up a hook in 3 minutes so you can film your short-form video right now.

I mean… I’m on my computer every hour of the day anyway.

But really, the only person that you are hurting by rushing the process is YOU.

Your video will perform worse with a mediocre hook.

Your video will have terrible retention with a rushed script.

Your video will do just ok with a thumbnail put together in a few hours without any concepts drawn up.

It’s a lack of preparation that kills most YouTube channels.

What most YouTubers don’t understand is that the work isn’t getting on camera and yapping for 20 minutes straight.

The work comes in the pre-work.

It’s the research, it’s the editing of the script, it’s the thumbnail concepts.

That’s where 99% of the gold is from.

Spending more time on the pre-work of your video will save you hours when filming your video and hundreds/thousands of dollars in editor costs.

Because an ounce of pre-work is worth an ounce of post.

Hope this helps,


P.S. Subscribe to my channel. I’m back to posting bangers soon.