My One Lesson From Travelling the World

In the past 4 months, I’ve been to London → Milan → Amsterdam → Sweden → Melbourne → Greece → Abu Dhabi.

Been to more countries in 4 months than I have in 4 years.

I’ve been lucky enough to stay in nice places, see many sights, yadi yadi yadah.

But there’s one thing that I’ve been more than upset by.

My upload schedule!

I’m severely lacking on my goal of one upload a week.

And video performance has been far from desirable.

I’ve even got some of my friends saying that I’ve peaked at 2k subscribers 💀 .

While long periods of missed uploads is definitely not great, there is a silver lining to all this.

I was listening to a podcast between Naval Ravikant and Joe Rogan that is now 4 years old.

One of the things that Naval mentions that stuck with me is that as a writer and online worker, we are effectively intellectual athletes.

And if you think about how athletes train, they warm up, sprint, rest, reassess, and then warm up, and sprint again.

The idea that we should be at 100% every time is nonsense.

Working for a set number of hours everyday is meant for machines, not humans.

If you make a conscious decision to rest and reassess, you also need to be aware of why you are doing it.

Ideally, it’s so that you are working on honing one specific skill, getting really good at it, so that you can come back with a bang.

That could be your tonality, your scriptwriting, your videography, etc.

Not posting for long periods isn’t something to be ashamed of.

But taking a break must be for the sole reason that you can come back with a bang.

Hope this helps.



Yes, I am in Abu Dhabi right now. Stranded here for a few days.

It’s like 45 degrees here help me.

No photo this time cos there’s literally nothing here but a barren wasteland :(